Department of Business Administration (MBA)

Master of Business Administration (MBA)
A Master of Business Administration in Bangladesh is a graduate discipline that includes theoretical and practical training for business or investment management. A Master of business administration degree will help the graduates get a better understanding of general business management functions. Times University Bangladesh is offering a Master of Business Administration degree that generally focuses on fields such as Accounting, Finance, Marketing, HRM and Management. .

Program NameCreditSemesterDuration
MBA (Regular) for BBA holder3902 Semesters01 Year
MBA Executive5703 Semesters1.5 Years
MBA (Regular) for other discipline6904 Semesters02 Years
Goals and Purposes: The rapid growth of private as well as government banks and corporate farms in Bangladesh makes students focus their careers in corporate areas and this makes a Master of Business Administration a popular discipline in Bangladesh to have a degree on that. The demand is increasing day by day not only in Bangladesh but also in the world. A Master of Business administration degree can open a wide area of a career in any field for a degree bearer at home and abroad. Focusing on the demand and making the future leaders of Bangladesh, Times University Bangladesh has designed a well-structured Master of Business Administration degree with an attractive educational atmosphere and highly qualified Professors to teach the students all the single details of spreading their magic after completing their Master of Business Administration and make Bangladesh proud at the time successful.

Program Summary: The Master of Business Administration at Times University Bangladesh is a full-time evening program as the working students can also attend the class after their office. Students are required to complete 69 credits of core courses, elective courses for major subjects to focus and an internship project. Students with 4-year BBA certificates may get a credit transfer or waiver of 30 credits depending upon grades. Students from another discipline can also apply for credit transfer or waiver depending on their previous study area. This two-year full-time Master in Business Administration program has been structured into four regular semesters where students can take courses consisting of 18 credits each semester. After completing the course work, students need to undertake a twelve-week of internship assignment or project work to apply their understanding practically. After finishing the organizational attachment, students should prepare reports on their internship journey learning that are to be presented through a formal presentation. The duration of the program in the evening depends upon the enrolment of courses taken by a student per semester.

Admission requirements for Master of Business Administration: Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline of study from any recognized university or a renowned institute. Candidates from the GEC track or having foreign University degrees/ diplomas/ certificates may also apply. At least a GPA of 2.50 or 2nd Division in both SSC and HSC examinations and at least a GPA of 2.00 in the bachelor program; or At least a GPA of 2.00 either in the SSC or HSC examination, but the total GPA in both of the examinations must be 6.00 and at least a GPA of 2.00 in the bachelor program; or For English Medium students, O Level with a minimum of 5 subjects and A Level with at least 2 subjects and in these two examinations students should have passed at least 7 subjects in which 4 subjects with at least a B grade or GPA of 4.00 and in 3 subjects within minimum C grade or GPA of 3.5. In the case of sons/daughters of Freedom Fighters, a total GPA of at least 5.00 in both SSC and HSC Examinations. But the official proof of the Father /Mother as a Freedom Fighter must be included with the form.

Admission Procedure for MBA Program: Interested Students of Bangladesh in Master of Business Administration are requested to collect the forms and prospectus from our admission office or reception desk. After gathering all the necessary documents, the applicants are welcome to deposit the admission fees and sign the application form to finish the admission procedures.

The following documents are needed to get admission: Four passport-sized color photographs (studio lab print with white background for the ID card purpose).
  • Photocopies (one copy each) :
  • Certificates and mark sheets of SSC/O-Level, HSC/A-Level, or other equivalent examinations.
  • SSC/O-Level registration card.
  • Birth certificate of the candidate.
  • National ID card of the candidate. Original certificates, mark sheets/transcripts, SSC/O-Level registration cards, and birth certificate /national ID card must be shown to the admission office of Times University Bangladesh for verification at the time of admission.
Epilogue for the Interested Students in Master of Business Administration: In Bangladesh, the Master of Business Administration discipline is a very demanding subject but mostly the university focuses on the fundamental topics to focus on. On the other hand, Times University Bangladesh not only focuses on the fundamental facts but also gives emphasis on the contemporary developments of the corporate world of Bangladesh as well as throughout the world. And our teachers are well-qualified, at the same time, having a foreign degree and knowledge to teach the students about the world of business and culture too.

Evaluation of Students’ Performance Of the total credits allowed for the courses, the performance of each course will be evaluated as follows.
Evaluation CriteriaMarks
Assignment/ Class Test10
Class attendance10
Mid-term Test30
Semester Final Examination40
Grading System TUB follows the following Letter Grade and Grade Point system introduced by the UGC as a uniform grading system for all public and private universities:
Obtained MarksLetter GradeGrade PointInterpretation
80% and aboveA + (A plus)4Outstanding
75% to less than 80%A (A regular)3.75Excellent
70% to less than 75%A – (A minus)3.5Very Good
65% to less than 70%B + (B plus)3.25Good
60% to less than 65%B (B regular)3Satisfactory
55% to less than 60%B – (B minus)2.75Above Average
50% to less than 55%C + (C plus)2.5Average
45% to less than 50%(C regular)2.25Below Average
40% to less than 45%D2Pass
Less than 40%F0Fail