MA in Economics


A Master of Arts (MA) in Economics is a graduate-level program that provides advanced training in economic theory, quantitative methods, and applied economics. It typically builds on the foundational knowledge acquired in a BA Hon’s in Economics, diving deeper into specialized areas and research techniques. In-depth study of microeconomics and macroeconomics, including complex models of consumer and producer behavior, as well as broader economic indicators and policies. It also provide Intensive coursework in econometric methods, statistical modeling, and data analysis, often using software like Stata, R, or Python for empirical research.

Program NameCreditSemesterDuration
MA in Economics3402 Semesters01 Year


To provide quality university higher education and training and to embody the aspiration of Bangladeshi people and the global community through creation, preservation.


To provide quality university education and training and to embody the aspiration of Bangladeshi people and the global community through creation, preservation, integration, transmission and utilization of knowledge in Economics.

Specific Objectives

Requirements for Admission to MA in Economics

Admission Procedures of MA in Economics

Evaluation of Students’ Performance

Of the total credits allowed for the courses, the performance of each course will be evaluated as follows.

Evaluation CriteriaMarks
Class attendance10
4 Quizzes10
Mid-term Test30
Semester Final Examination40

Grading System

TUB follows the following Letter Grade and Grade Point system introduced by the UGC as a uniform grading system for all public and private universities:

Obtained MarksLetter GradeGrade PointInterpretation
80% and aboveA + (A plus)4Outstanding
75% to less than 80%A (A regular)3.75Excellent
70% to less than 75%A – (A minus)3.5Very Good
65% to less than 70%B + (B plus)3.25Good
60% to less than 65%B (B regular)3Satisfactory
55% to less than 60%B – (B minus)2.75Above Average
50% to less than 55%C + (C plus)2.5Average
45% to less than 50%(C regular)2.25Below Average
40% to less than 45%D2Pass
Less than 40%F0Fail