B.Sc. in CSE Syllabus

Year 1, Semester I, Spring/Summer

Course CodeCourse TitleCA MarksSA MarksTotalCredit
CSE 1101Structured Programming Language40601003
CSE 1102Structured Programming Language Lab50501001.5
EEE 1131Basic Electrical Circuits40601003
EEE 1132Basic Electrical Circuits Lab50501001
MAT 1141Differential and Integral Calculus40601003
PHY 1151Basic Physics40601003
PHY 1152Basic Physics Lab50501001
ENG 0002English Fundamentals40601003

Year 1, Semester 2, Spring/Summer

Couse CodeCourse TitleCA MarksSA MarksTotalCredit
CSE 1201Object Oriented Programming40601003
CSE 1202Object Oriented Programming Lab50501001.5
CSE 1203Discrete Mathematics40601003
EEE 1231Electronic Devices and Circuits40601003
EEE 1232Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab50501001
MAT 1241Coordinate Geometry and Vector Analysis40601003
CHE 1261Chemistry40601002
CHE 1262Chemistry Lab50501001

Year 2, Semester 3, Spring/Summer

Course CodeCourse TitleCA MarksSA MarksTotalCredit
CSE 2101Object Oriented Design and Design Patterns40601003
CSE 2102Object Oriented Design and Design Patterns Lab50501001.5
CSE 2103Data Structures40601003
CSE 2104Data Structures Lab50501001.5
CSE 2105Digital System Design40601003
CSE 2106Digital System Design Lab50501001
MAT 2141Differential Equations40601003
BAN 0001History of the Emergence of Bangladesh40601003

Year 2, Semester 4, Spring/Summer

Course CodeCourse TitleCA MarksSA MarksTotalCredit
CSE 2201Software Engineering and System Analysis40601003
CSE 2203Computer Algorithms40601003
CSE 2204Computer Algorithms Lab50501001.5
CSE 2205Numerical Methods40601003
CSE 2206Numerical Methods Lab50501001
CSE 2207Computer Networks40601003
CSE 2208Computer Networks Lab50501001
MAT 2241Linear Algebra and Complex Variables40601003

Year 3, Semester 5, Spring/Summer

Course CodeCourse TitleCA MarksSA MarksTotalCredit
CSE 3101Computer Graphics40601003
CSE 3102Computer Graphics Lab50501001
CSE 3103Database Management System40601003
CSE 3104Database Management System Lab50501001.5
CSE 3105Computer Architecture40601003
CSE 3106Computer Architecture Lab50501001
CSE 3107Communication Engineering40601003
MAT 3141Applied Statistics and Probability40601003

Year 3, Semester 6, Spring/Summer

Course CodeCourse TitleCA MarksSA MarksTotalCredit
CSE 3201Theory of Computation and Compiler Design40601003
CSE 3203Operating System and System Programming40601003
CSE 3204Operating System and System Programming Lab50501001
CSE 3205Microprocessor and Assembly Language40601003
CSE 3206Microprocessor and Assembly Language Lab50501001
CSE 3207Digital Signal Processing40601003
CSE 3208Digital Signal Processing Lab50501001
CSE 3209E-commerce and Web Programming40601002
CSE 3210E-commerce and Web Programming Project Lab50501001.5
ECO 3271Engineering Economics40601002

Year 4, Semester 7, Spring/Summer

CodeCourse TitleCA MarksSA MarksTotalCredit
CSE 4101Artificial Intelligence40601003
CSE 4102Artificial Intelligence Lab50501001
CSE 4103Digital Image Processing40601003
CSE 4104Digital Image Processing Lab50501001
CSE 4105Engineering Ethics and Environmental Protection40601002
Option I (T)Theory: Should be selected from Table-I40601003
Option I (L)Lab: course based on Option-I (T)50501001
ACC 4171Industrial Management and Accountancy40601002
CSE 4100Project or Thesis with Seminar Part I50501002
CSE 4120Industrial Attachment50501001
CSE 4122Technical Report Writing50501000.5

Table-I: Option I

Course CodeCourse TitleMarksCredit
CSE 4107Microcontroller, Computer Peripherals and Interfacing1003
CSE 4108Microcontroller, Computer Peripherals and Interfacing Lab1001
CSE 4109Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition1003
CSE 4110Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Lab1001
CSE 4112Mobile Apps and Game Development Lab1001
CSE 4113IT Auditing and Management33
CSE 4114IT Auditing and Management Lab11

Year 4, Semester 8, Spring/Summer

Course CodeCourse TitleCA MarksSA MarksTotalCredit
CSE 4201Parallel Processing and Distributed System40601003
CSE 4202Parallel Processing and Distributed System Lab50501001
CSE 4203Cryptography and Network Security40601003
CSE 4204Cryptography and Network Security Lab50501001
Option II (T)Theory: Should be selected from Table-II40601003
Option II (L)Lab course based on Option-II (T)50501001
Option II (T)Theory: Should be selected from Table-II40601003
Option II (L)Lab course based on Option-II (T)50501001
CSE 4200Project or Thesis with Seminar Part II50501002

Table-II: Option I

Course CodeCourse TitleMarksCredit
CSE 4205Robotics and Automation1003
CSE 4206Robotics and Automation Lab1001
CSE 4207Big Data Analysis1003
CSE 4208Big Data Analysis Lab1001
CSE 4209Cloud Computing and IOT1003
CSE 4210Cloud Computing and IOT Lab1001
CSE 4211Machine Learning1003
CSE 4212Machine Learning Lab1001